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  • Writer's pictureBrie

Favorite Products


I'm still alive and I'm actually writing a blog post!

Today I'm going to share some of my five favorite products with you guys!

I have found some products that I love and I just HAVE to share them all with you guys (obviously)!

I know, I know- I hate reading long intro's too I'll get right to it!

You're welcome ;)

This post does contain affiliate links

1. Schick Hydro Silk 5 TrimStyle

This is currently one of my favorite products right now because it makes shaving so much easier! The razor side of the trimmer leaves my skin feeling so smooth and hydrated! You can click here to purchase!

2. Main Squeeze

This is the current facial cleanser I use, and it makes my skin feel soft af!

this cleanser doesn't get bubbly like normal face wash, which was weird to get used to but I love using it with these silicone face scrubbers!

It also doesn't have a super strong smell which is super nice!

If you want to purchase this amazing product for yourself all you have to do is click here!

3. Simple Modern

I have s t r u g g l e d for too long to find a water bottle that I absolutely love and I finally found it and its by simple modern. I wanted something like a hydro flask, but I didn't want to spend the $$$ on a hydro flask so I found this one and instantly fell in love! It's not heavy and I tend to drink more water from bottles with built in straws than ones where I have to screw the lid off.

It is super price friendly and the 17 oz is the perfect size! They also have lots of colors you can choose from!

You can pick your color by clicking here!

4. Perfume Blending Kit

I got this kit for my birthday and it is one of my favorite things EVER! I take mine with me when ever I travel. I love smelling good, but I have a hard time finding a perfume that I like or I want one that I don't have- with this kit I can mix my own scents as I like or follow the recipes that they have created (Sunday Morning is definitely a favorite)!

you can get your own kit on amazon here!

5. Silicone Face Scrubbers

I love skin care and washing my face- it makes me feel so good! So these bad boys are an essential to keeping my face feeling clean and fresh!

But your own here!

These are just a few of my favorite things I’ve purchased that I wanted to share with everyone! Thanks for reading



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