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  • Writer's pictureBrie

Lovin' Myself

Updated: Mar 12, 2019

I've been working on loving myself and taking care of myself physically along with mentally, I believe it is so so important to take care of yourself and make sure YOU are healthy and happy! I figured I would share some of my favorite tips and tricks that I use to take care of myself.

1. Wash Your Sheets!

When I start feeling sad and like I need a little self loving I'll wash my sheets, pillow case and bed spread. It makes me feel so much better, happier and less stressed to have clean good smelling sheets!

I love adding the scent beads to my wash it just adds to the feeling of having clean sheets!

Here are my two favorite scent beads to use!

2. Take A Shower/ Skin Care!

I LOVE to take showers and take care of my skin! Showers just make me feel good, especially when I just cleaned my sheets and the last blanket is in the dryer and I get out of the shower put on clean clothes (or pajamas) and crawl into a clean bed.

I also love to shower because when I take I shower I envision myself washing all the negativity and sad feelings out of my hair and off my skin.

For me skin care, especially my face, is important!

I have two face washes I like to use at and put them both on my face scrubber when I wash my face (tip: if one face wash dries your face too much and one makes you too oily mix them! it might not work for everyone and their skin type but it works for mine!), then a face scrub St. Ives and when I get out of the shower I put micellar water on my face and then lemon toner!

Even on the days I don't feel like showering I will wipe my face down with a cleansing wipe followed by micellar water and toner!

- Lemon Toner (I love this toner because its alcohol free!)

3. Take A Tech Break (especially social media)

Sometimes I start feeling down, sad and sorry for myself because I compare myself to people on Instagram. The girl who got a nose job to have the perfect nose, the girl who works out and cooks at home every night, or the girl who has the perfectly clean house that is organized and Pinterest worthy and the one who has the perfect blonde colored hair that I've been dying to achieve for heaven knows how long.

I get envious and jealous which leads to me throwing a pity party for myself.

Sometimes you just have to put down that phone for a bit and focus on what YOU have right now.

4. Sit In The Sun

I've challenged myself to go outside and get some sun at least once a day for even just a few minutes. It makes me just feel better.

When Arya has to go potty I'll go out with her and stand on the lawn or sit on the front steps to soak up the sun!

those are just some of the things I do to help care for and love myself! If you have anything you do that I didn't name feel free to comment what you do to take care of yourself!


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